Saturday, August 30, 2008

Acronyms Galore!

I am SO proud of myself for updating twice in a week. But, as I don't want to revisit the IMB's medical process, I'm trying to be a little careful not to strain my shoulder patting myself on the back. :)

Field Update (Prayer Necessities for the Skimmers):

1. Please pray for Gabino, a Quechua believer in the Ayuma community. When our missionaries recently came to his area, he felt the call of God to go and preach the Gospel to others in his vicinity. This is awesome news! As you might imagine, having indigenous believers share the Gospel with those of the same culture and language is far more effective and efficient than an American missionary doing the same. Praise the Lord, and pray that Gabino would remain faithful to the call and that he would resist the devil, who is no doubt highly displeased with his decision.

2. Pray that God would begin a great church-planting movement among the Quechua in this area of Bolivia. (See below for the definition of a church-planting movement.)

3. Please pray for me, that I would remain encouraged during this orientation period. It is truly an incredible blessing to be here but, unsurprisingly, there have been moments of great spiritual warfare. Pray that I would learn every lesson God has for me here and that I would be thoroughly equipped for the task to which He has called me.

Inquiring Minds Wanna Know (Bonus for the Readers):

So I've been here at orientation for four weeks and haven't really told you what we're learning. I thought I'd start with explaining that this organization has more acronyms than the federal government! Well, that's probably an exaggeration, but it's gotta be close. :) Let me just start with a few:

"Then Jesus came to them and said, 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.'" (Matt. 28:18-20)

The Great Commission. Admittedly, that's not an acronym, though I guess we could call it GC if we really wanted. :) But it does underscore everything mentioned below and should be kept in mind as you read. It is the ultimate goal behind every acronym listed.

IMB = International Mission Board. I hope most of you recognize that as the sending organization who will be paying my salary. :) The home equivalent, which sends missionaries within the United States and Canada, is the North American Mission Board, or NAMB.

SBC = Southern Baptist Convention. The organization to which churches of the Southern Baptist denomination can voluntarily belong... and most choose to do so. The SBC governs both the IMB and the NAMB.

LMCO = Lottie Moon Christmas Offering.
This is a big one, so I want to explain it accurately. If you are a member of a Southern Baptist church, you typically have the opportunity to contribute to this offering every December. Named for a former Southern Baptist missionary to China, every cent goes to support missionaries on the foreign field. It funds different projects on the field, as well as provides food and housing support for the missionaries, education for their children, and medical care for the entire family. If you've ever given to the LMCO, I would like to say thank you! And, if you haven't, I hope you'll consider it. The mission board truly does an excellent job of being a good steward of the finances, and those funds enable the missionaries to focus on the Lord's work on the field rather than having to be concerned with meeting the basic needs of life. By the way, the home mission equivalent is the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering, an equally worthy cause! (FYI, Lottie Moon gave her life in mission work. During a time of severe famine in China, she died of starvation giving her own food and money to feed the starving Chinese around her. A great heroine of the faith, I can assure you!)

SAM = South America region. In case you were unaware, that's where I'm going. :) But each area of the world has its own acronym. Among others, there's CESA (central, eastern, and southern Africa), CEE or CE2 (central and eastern Europe), and my personal favorite, NAME (north Africa and the Middle East). Does that make me a no-NAME? :)

FPO = Field Personnel Orientation. This is the eight-week training I am currently receiving. Performed at the IMB's training center, there are classes on language learning, on how to share the Gospel in various contexts (environments of persecution, tribal cultures, and many others), on the Biblical missionary model (better known to us as the book of Acts :)). We have house church in small groups every Sunday because that is what most of us will have on the field. In general, the goal is to prepare you as much as possible for what you will experience overseas.

MIR = Missionary-in-Residence. These are missionaries who have come from the field to live on campus with us during FPO. They are fantastic resources with a wealth of knowledge and experience. We have eight couples on campus now, and I am particularly close to one who spent many years in Argentina and Ecuador. I have picked their brains many times!

MK = Missionary Kid. The child of a missionary. They are now also called third-culture kids (TCKs), because they are often caught between their American home culture and their mission field culture. They don't fully belong to either one, although they can feel pretty comfortable in both. We have lots of them roaming around campus right now. Come to think of it, I'm technically an MK myself! :)

GCC = Great Commission Christian. Any evangelical believer looking to complete Christ's Great Commission mandate from Matt. 28:18-20, regardless of denomination. IMB missionaries work closely with other GCCs on the field to accomplish the task set before us. We should all be GCCs! Since your prayers are the most vital part of completing this work, that makes my prayer supporters GCC partners with me. Thank you!

CPM = church-planting movement. The primary missionary goal: To plant new churches and see them multiply. The concept of a CPM is based on 2 Tim. 2:2, where Paul instructs Timothy, "And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others." The idea is that the missionary is used of God to lead a new believer to Christ and to disciple him or her. That new follower will then go and make disciples, who will go and make disciples, etc. This results in the rapid multiplication of churches and is referred to as a CPM. If we are all faithful to complete our Great Commission task, churches will multiply in such a way that every person in the world can hear the Gospel. And when that happens...

"And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come." (Matt. 24:14)

Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!


Anonymous said...

If I hadn't spent a year at Southwester Baptist Theological Seminary, I'd have been overwhelmed by all those acronyms, but I actually knew what more than half of them meant due to my time there. I do recall thinking they used as many acronymns as the FBI probably does. Thanks for your continued faithfulness in blogging. It helps to be able to pray for you and your ministry so specifically. Blessings to you, my friend!

big dog said...

A No-NAME? Never my sweet sister - never to me or more importantly, never to your Father!! Thanks for sending us your blogs - I love seeing what you're learning, and hearing how you're doing. Miss ya, and love ya!