God is consistently providing Leah and me with the grace we need to persevere in this work. We are down to one final trip out to Salvatierra before we begin packing up our house in Sucre to return to the landlord and packing up our suitcases to return to the States for a time of rejuvenation with family and friends. He has been faithful all the way!
Prayer Necessities:
1. Pray particularly for Humberto, the only adult male believer in the Salvatierra church. He is gifted by God with leadership, but he is struggling with drunkenness lately. Please pray that he will accept who he really is in Christ, a victor over sin, and that he will choose to follow Christ over the pressure to drink from his buddies.
2. Please pray for Leah and me as we prepare to disciple these believers on one last trip. Pray that we would be faithful to work hard and to faithfully demonstrate to these new Christians what it really means to be the church.
3. Pray that we would be able to make travel arrangements to arrive in Puerto Maldonado, Peru, in mid-March for a meeting with national believers on our team. Pray that our time there would be an encouragement to all and that we would exalt the name of our Lord as we meet together.
Inquiring Minds Wanna Know:
This trip was a lot different for us than our normal trips to Salvatierra - mostly because we didn't spend it in Salvatierra. As we were on the way there, we called Mariluz to tell her we were coming, and she said that she and her family and another one of the believers and her family were in a bigger town about 10 miles away from Salvatierra. They would be there for a few weeks as their children got started back to school after summer vacation. (Remember, Bolivian summers are the opposite of American ones, so summer vacation here typically runs from late November to early February.)
The name of the town where the kids go to school is a little difficult to pronounce, so I'll just call it Big Town. It has a pretty nice hotel b
Leah and I discussed what to do and decided that, since our primary responsibility is the discipleship of these new believers, we should remain where they were. We counted the money we had brought with us and discovered that we'd have to cut our trip short by two days in order to stay in the local hotel, but it made more sense to do that than to return to Santa Cruz for more money.
Over the course of our ten days in Big Town, we taught three stories from the book of Acts, beginning with Jesus' ascension and the Great Commission from Acts 1 and Matthew 28, respectively, and ending with the description of the early church from Acts 2 and 4. On our next trip, we have six more stories from acts and then plan to teach some from 1 Corinthians. We also spent a lot of time with Mariluz and Humberto and their sons.
We also got into a long conversation with one of the believers who is an elder of the local evangelical church in Big Town. He told us his testimony, which is a story of God's provision and sustenance even in the face of persecution. It was a great encouragement to hear how our brother came to know Christ and to learn of his faithful testimony ever since.
But then he told us one of the saddest stories I've ever heard. The church in Big Town was thriving, growing in faith and obedience to the Lord. A church from the US was sending large amounts of money for the upkeep of the church building they had built there, and the pastor of this church began keeping some of it for himself. Our friend was the church treasurer and a new believer. Knowing that the pastor was using the money, he asked the American church how the money should be spent. Their answer was that the $1100 they sent (which is a LOT of money here) should be applied towards the roof, the pews, the lights, and the communion table inside the building and then, if there was a little bit left over, perhaps that could go to help some sick and/or needy person in the church. When our friend told the American church about the pastor's mishandling of the funds, it eventually caused a church split that, to this day, causes problems among the brothers here in Big Town. And that bitter division has even had a ripple effect that has affected the new church in Salvatierra, as they encounter some here who are critical of other believers.
I'm not excusing the pastor's actions. He was clearly wrong in taking money that didn't belong to him but to the church. I'm also not excusing the church split, as these believers must learn to be more concerned with the unity of the body than with anything else, including their own hurt feelings.
But what bothered me so much about this story was how the American church wanted the Lord's money to be spent: On a building first and then, if there were any left over, on the needs of the believers. Now contrast that mentality with the early church's:
"There were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned lands or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales and put it at the apostles' feet, and it was distributed to anyone as he had need." (Acts 4:34-35)
The estimated real estate holdings of churches in the United States is $232 billion dollars! Additionally, churches spend another $2.1 billion dollars annually on utilities and maintenance for those same buildings. Have any of you ever looked at your church's budget? Most churches spend the majority on their building. Now compare that with the amount spent on benevolence. It's typically a very small proportion.
Do you see the difference here? If it's convicting to read that verse, I think it should be. Is a building really necessary? Can't God's church just as easily meet in one another's homes? Or is it better to cling to an expensive building that requires ongoing payments (whether mortgage or insurance or utilities) while we neglect the very real needs for food and clothing and roof repairs and health care among our own brothers and sisters?
I think it's a good reminder for all of us that we are not the owners of our own money but merely managers of God's. I think we should be asking ourselves if this really how He would want us to spend it. And, if not, how can we change to manage His money correctly?
The Urubicha church singing "Trust and Obey" in Guarayo
1 comment:
I am glad to see these ideas continuing to grow and take root in your life. well done and we continue to pray for you guys.
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